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Sunday 24 July 2011

Body By Vi "Vitality" 90 Day Challenge Party

I started on my Visalus Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge a month ago after topping the scales at 205 - the heaviest I have ever been. Thirty days later, weighing twelve pounds lighter and two sizes smaller around the waist, I decided to check on what this movement is all about by joining a group of my Grand Rapids friends whose lives have been transformed by the challenge.

Losing twelve pounds is not an easy feat. It's practically a heavy bowling ball wrapped around my gut that I've been supporting with my forty-something knees and out of shape body. In four short weeks, I traded in my new 36-inch
jeans for a 34. But the best is the whole new confidence I gained by simply challenging myself to replace two big meals with two shakes a day, a couple of supplements, regular boxing sessions and the simple desire to succeed in being healthier and eventually achieving my goal of getting back to my wedding weight in 90 days.

There are three ways to get involved with the challenge. The first is too simply take the challenge as a customer. The second is to be a customer and ask three friends to take the challenge with you so you could get your products for free. Lastly, is to become a Promoter by doing 1 & 2 and work hard to get your friends and family to take on the challenge with you - and make money at the same time.

At the time of Vitality in Orlando, I was just a customer who wanted to lose weight and become healthier. This health and income movement is still in its infancy. Visalus is exponentially growing in its two years since starting the 90 day challenge. What I love about the idea is that my testimony is my product. The rate of obesity in this country is out of control and the need for people to change their lifestyles is at a critical point.

The three-day conference was topped with a black and white party for the 6,000 guests in attendance. What was amazing is to hear the dozens of testimonies I heard about how people lost so much weight during their 90 day challenge. It was inspiring. Another amazing thing was the number of attendees who qualified for their BMW allowance from the company - over 1,000 of the 6,000 guests!

I dabbled on the idea on whether to take this challenge to the next level by becoming a Promoter. After much thought and consideration, I decided this weekend to be a Promoter. I cannot wait to see what I will look like once I complete my challenge. I am definitely accountable now that I have shared my plan with everyone. What have I got to lose? Pounds!

If you are up for a 90 day challenge to lose weight and become healthier, check out my Body By Vi site (TheSuiteLife.bodybyvi.com) or email me directly so I could give you some more information. In the meantime, I have also started a new blog which documents my challenge. Check it out at WeddingWeight90.

If this foodie can do it, you certainly can do the same.

Ditulis Oleh : Rich in the future // 19:36


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